Interactive sensors and touchpoints are constantly changing their shape, form, function, and location. They appear and disappear again. The surfaces in the space become a living organism.

button.buds is a new kind of switch and technical communication unit that constantly grows and modifies its form, shape, location and function. button.buds relate more to the human body of the user than to the architecture it stems from. Sensorial effects and haptic qualities attract interaction. On an index scale with endless possible programmatic and formal mutations, button.buds demonstrate differentiation in the articulation of a bodytechnology interface within a family of objects.
button.buds also host body.guards, a speculative outfit that uses smart dust as a sensory device. Nearly invisible airborne particles build up a dynamic intelligent cocoon for testing, warning, spying, scouting, communicating, guarding and protection. So far only used in military technology, these nano devices will very soon expand their field of operation into most aspects of our everyday life.

Merten GmbH & Co. Kg,
Initiated and coordinated by Stylepark
Partner in charge:
Jürgen Mayer H.
Jan-Christoph Stockebrand