The ICA Miami has a new neighbor. With a collage of façade sections by five different architects, the parking garage in the Miami Design District breaks the length of the large-scale structure into rhythmic sections.
Museum Garage
2014 – 2018
Miami, USA
Architects and Designers: WORKac – Ant Farm
J.MAYER.H und Partner, Architekten mbB – XOX, Hugs and Kisses
Nicolas Buffe – Serious Play
Clavel Arquitectos – Urban Jam
K/R Architects – Barricades
Tim Haahs
Curated by Terence Riley, K/R Architects

After more than two years of planning and construction, the Miami Design District welcomed the Museum Garage to its city fabric. Terence Riley, of K/R Architect, led the concept of the ambitious project, which drew from Exquisite Corpse, a surrealist parlor game that entails the collaging of images by different authors independent of each other’s designs.

Miami Design Disctrict
Partner in Charge:
Jürgen Mayer H.
Marcus Blum
Wilko Hoffmann
Ojive De Lungeta
Fabrizio Silvano
Imagen Subliminal (Miguel de Guzman + Rocio Romero)
The International Architecture Award, winner (2019)
Architizer A+ Awards, winner “Collaboration” (2019)
Award of Merit 2019 PTI
International Urban Project Award, nominated (2019)
The Architects Newspaper Award, honorable mention (2018)
Award of Excellence (AOE), nominated (2018)
“Best Design of a Mixed or Multi-Use Parking & Transportation Facility”, winner (2018)
AIA Miami Award of Excellence, honored “Big Scale Building of the Year” (2018)
NPA Innovation Award, winner (2018)