A revitalizing, sustainable, mixed-use project on the banks of the Spree River in Berlin that reactivates a central neighborhood with urban culture, music production, new work, digital initiatives, and community living.
2016 – ongoing
Berlin, Germany

“Elements” is a revitalizing sustainable mixed-use development on the Spree River in Berlin which reactivates a central neighborhood with urban culture, music production, new working, digital initiatives and collaborative housing. Community involvement and access to commons as public spaces on the river bank are key factors for the success of the project. The conceptual framework for the architecture refers to the elements of water, fire, earth and air and are translated into innovative technological solutions. Those parameters are translated into building materials that reflect the context of adjacent river. “Elements” is the new landmark for a city of the future.

Development Partner AG
Partners in Charge:
Jürgen Mayer H.
Hans Schneider
Project leader:
Mael Kang
Ana I. Alonso,
Marcus Blum,
Simon Bollongino,
Noah Ehlers,
Philipp Farana,
Sölvi Lederer,
Mariya Petrova,
Paul Rindt,
Aleksei Urban
Structural Engineers: R&P Ruffert Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH
Building Service Engineers: TÜV SÜD Advimo GmbH, HTB-Plan Haustechnik Planungs GmbH
Building Physics: Gruner GmbH Stuttgart, Geschäftsstelle Berlin, Ing.-Büro Santer Bauphysik
Fire Prevention Engineers: Gruner GmbH
Facade Realization: Knippers Helbig GmbH
Landscape Architects: RMP Stephan Lenzen Landschaftsarchitekten
Schnepp Renou
bloomimages, Berlin